Thursday, April 21, 2016

Commentary on a Commentary

Miss Petals commentary on the abortion laws in Texas is a very interesting topic to write about.

I like that she chooses this prevailing and controversy topic. And, I also like that her commentary is well organised.

First, she introduces the reader to the stated example and gives a brief background information about the article in the Texas Tribune. In the middle section, she gives more background information about the abortion Bill that was passed in Texas. Her opinion is stated at the very end.  

I think she did a good job and made it very clear, what the article is about. Though, I am not truly convinced by the argument. I wish, she should have shown, just one or two more examples that support her argument. Either than that, very well done.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Is "Fracking", the answer?

So what is there else to say?

Fracking is a very successful way to get access to oil and gas. When we see the low prices of gas, we are happy to pay less. No doubt about it. But, would we still be happy about the price, if it comes with a high cost of our own health?

“Fracking”, everybody heard about “Fracking”, but does anyone know exactly what it is and what it will cause?

“Hydraulic fracturing”, is a technique to gain access to gas or oil from shale rock. Fracking is the procedure of injecting water, sand, and chemicals into the rock at a high pressure to led the gas flow out to the head of the well.

This procedure gets more and more explored and shows it’s effectively. In 2012, Texas had listed over six thousand oil and fracking wells in the state. But, while exploring the technique, there is a cost, to pay.

First of all, Fracking uses humongous amounts of water, that the state needs more for their civilians. Furthermore, the chemicals that get pressed into the rock may contaminate the groundwater. Our own water, that who knows what these will do to our health. And, research shows that fracking can cause earthquakes.

In November 2014, the Texas town, Denton, wanted to ban Fracking in city limits, because the civilians were concerned about the environment and also the unknown outcome what comes with the procedure of Fracking. Unfortunately, they lost the lawsuit against the major gas companies. Fracking will definitely grow in the next couple of years. But, to what cost? That is the question.

We don’t know what Fracking will do exactly to the environment, but there is a price to pay. But, we will probably find out in a view years, when its usually to late.

So, while you have a hint on the gas price, think about the price it also comes with.