Friday, May 13, 2016

Blog Stage 8

The commentary Doctors struggle with end-of-life talks is a well written piece by Bertha Juarez, published on April 28, 2016. 

The commentary states the problematic that people, who work in the medical field have, to have en-of-life talks. What I like about my classmates work is that her article is well organised. 

There are four paragraphs in total.In the first paragraph, she gives the reader an introduction or overview to the problematic. Further she states in the next paragraph, why the federal government has their saying in this problematic. The next paragraph gives an example, which backs up her argument. The commentary ends with the last paragraph which states her opinion. 

Overall, the commentary is well written and especially clear to understand for the reader. Maybe, there could have been one more example, to back up her argument.But overall, good job!

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